The city of Chofu
Originally coming from (as far as I’m aware) Japanese folklore, Japan has what are known as 妖怪 ( yokai ). If you’ve ever read any posts on my facebook , twitter , instagram , or read any other blogs I’ve written then you may have heard about yokai . Yokai are often referred to as Japanese monsters, but seeing as the most famous Japanese monster Godzilla isn’t a yokai , and seeing as there are many yokai that take the shape of humans, animals, and even inanimate objects, explaining yokai as a Japanese monster isn’t 100% correct. For those wanting to learn more about yokai I highly recommending watching this Japanology Plus episode about yokai , I also recommend reading this book about yokai, written by translator Hiroko Yoda and Matt Alt . Japanese cartoons, known in Japanese as アニメ ( anime ), which is an abbreviation of the word アニメーション (animation), are incredibly popular all over the world. Many people come to Japan each year because of their intere...