

Shimane Prefecture

Last August, I set out on another trip by myself across Japan. I had intended to write a blog about my entire trip, but it ended up being so long that I never had a chance to finish writing it. On that trip, there was one area in particular that I visited that I’d really like to share. What I’ve decided to do is write a blog focusing on that one area. I don’t think that there were too many people who were anxious to read that long blog post about my entire trip, but if you’d really like to know about any other areas I visited, don’t hesitate to ask!   On that trip, I was fortunate to be able to visit Shimane prefecture, which is the area I’d like to share with you. It’s an area that I’d like it if all Japanese people could visit at least once in their life. It’s an area in Japan that I believe embodies a part of the “real Japan.” I’d also like to share with you a foreigner who lived in Shimane prefecture in the Meji period (1868-1912), 小泉八雲 (koizumi yakumo) . Kozumi Yakumo i...